Moonlit Love

”Twas a maiden with bright red hair

With skin so beautiful and fair

She danced with delight 

In the shadows and moonlight

That anyone who saw her was taken

He was a wilted wandering minstrel 

With nothing to show ‘cept his tale

He strummed his tattered guitar

Walking out of town and a little to far

In search of a full moon to partake in

He found a lone hill in the glow of the night

As he strummed he beheld a wonderous sight

The fair blazened hair beauty began her dance

Her grace and her perfection sent him into a trance 

For when love is involved there can be no mistake in

He played his guitar with passion he’d forgotten

She came towards his song her pulse he’d begotten

She twirled on her toes around the smitten

Such a creature like her could never be written

She paused and stared at the awestricken

He saw her figure in the full moon’s light

Her smile brought him feelings of pure delight

She laid a soft hand to stop him from playing 

And whispered so softly no one but he heard her saying

He played her heart song and felt it awaken

She kissed him gently on his bristle bound lips

Then pulled him up and placed his hands on her hips

The song could be heard without touching a string

It was made by their hearts and the rhythm they sing

They danced off in the shimmering moonbeams

With minds full to the brim of a future and dreams

“Moonlit Love” by Rio Martin

#romance #poetry #writing

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